
Create International is a communication ministry of Youth With A Mission which seeks to “Declare God’s glory in all the world” through producing and distributing indigenous media resources, to initiate and strengthen evangelistic and church planting efforts among the remaining Least Evangelized Peoples of the world.


  • PRODUCE an indigenous evangelistic audio-visual tool for every one of the Least Evangelized Peoples.
  • BROADEN strategic partnerships with the Body of Christ to maximize impact and results.
  • ACCELERATE proven techniques and strategies through innovative training programs.
  • DISTRIBUTE indigenous Gospel presentations among targeted unreached peoples using 21st century technologies.

Eye On the World
Documentary Series

Eye On the World documentary series is a collection of mobilization documentaries on key unreached people groups. In these “documentaries with a difference” we discover the unique cultures and religions of some of the least reached people groups in the world. We will learn what God is doing within these societies, and how we can pray very specific and targeted prayers for their needs as a people. These videos are perfect for viewing in church services, Sunday school classes, concerts of prayer, home fellowships, and intercessory prayer groups.

The Fruit of Create International Films

Collected testimonies of the successful distribution and effectiveness of Create International’s film projects over the years. (5:25)

The Story of Create International

The Impossible DreamAvailable on Amazon.
”This is one of the most inspirational missionary biographies you will ever read. I can’t wait to get copies to the people I love, especially young people. You may be discouraged or even in despair. But I promise you this. By the time you get to the end of this book there will be a light in your eye, a bounce in your step and you will begin to dream again.”
John Dawson, President Emeritus, YWAM
“I first met Calvin and Carol Conkey at the Jesus Film Project offices in California. I saw the unique power their films have to introduce the gospel to cultures and languages that the gospel has not previously touched. The scores of evangelistic films they have made have opened one language group after another to the simple message of Jesus. Create International’s films communicate the truths of the Bible without introducing Western culture and have a huge impact on these movements.”  
Dr. Paul Eshleman, Founder and President Emeritus, Jesus Film Project, Founder and President Emeritus, Finishing the Task
“The Conkeys’ success has come from a foundation of dependence on God, prayer, faithfulness, and a commitment to contextualization of the gospel. As you read this book, it will inspire you to hear of the journey of this missionary couple—how God led them to form Create International and the miracles that took place as they filmed across Asia and Africa. What they have done has blessed the nations.”
Loren Cunningham, Founder, Youth With A Mission

Ministry Opportunities


Develop Your Media and Art Skills for Missions


Hundreds of Art and Media Resources

Join Us

Come be a part of any one of the seven Create International Teams

Training Opportunities


Increasingly students are equipping themselves to be a blessing “from the nations to the nations.” God has been speaking to us in Youth With A Mission for many years about this wave of young people out of all of the nations of the Earth coming to us–and it is happening. A new “Communications Arts and Media AA and BA Degree” has been developed in the College of Communications. The Cross-Cultural Concentration degrees program will meet the needs of students who are preparing themselves to take on innovative art and media projects in a cross-cultural setting. We are committed to developing effective accessible training that is relevant to this “Multi-Cultural Digital Age.” Download our training catalogue here.



Online Training

  • Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Online (FFSO) — 9 weeks: Details
  • CommunicaTiv Smartphone Filmmaking Training — 4 weeks: Details
  • NarraTiv Short Film Seminar — 3 weeks: Details
  • AniMissions — 8 weeks: Details
  • Create Children’s Books for Missions — 12 weeks: Details

Offline Training

  • Frontier Filmmaking Seminar — 6 weeks: Details
  • Frontier Comics Seminar — 6 weeks: Details
  • Smartphone Filmmaking Seminar — 1 week: Details
  • Equip2Go Seminar — 1 week: Details
  • AniMissions Offline Seminar — 4 days: Details


Campfire is all about telling stories. Small stories, and world-changing stories. Here, you can learn the skills to tell better stories, find friends to collaborate with, and turn those ideas into reality.

Our Teams

Create Middle East

“The Middle East is brimming with rich history, friendly people, good food and warm hospitality — a strong cultural value forged in the harsh desert lands. Create Middle East wants every person in the Middle East and North Africa region to have access to the gospel through media in their heart language. We seek to…


Create GCRC

The Global Communication and Resource Centre (GCRC) is the international coordination and communication office for Create International. We serve our nine teams — now in six countries, on four continents.   The GCRC team is involved not only with our own productions; but we also oversee and assist with all of Create International’s film and…


Create AniMissions

At Create International AniMissions, we create art and media resources to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ where it has not gone before, to places that have no indigenous audio/visual “witness” in their own language and culture. We produce and distribute both animated and live-action evangelistic films to reach the world’s remaining unreached people…


Create India

India is the home of over a billion people, hundreds of different people groups and over 1652 languages. Rich in cultural, traditional and religious diversity, it is also one of the largest movie making nations in the world. The vision of the Create India team is to tap into the Indian peoples’ love of the…


Create Mobile

As a team we are focused on the fulfillment of the 2020 Vision. We do this primarily in three ways: Production: We produce indigenous, evangelistic films in the language and culture of the Least Evangelized Mega People Groups (LEMPs). Our last two productions have been for large unreached people groups in India. We work with…


Create Seeds

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Create International Seeds focuses on producing creative arts to reach unreached children with the gospel. Children love stories and pictures. Our vision is to create culturally relevant story books, colouring books,…


Create Labs

 At its heart, then, Create Labs seeks to serve. It seeks to sit in this supportive niche within our global ministry, by being a team focused on research, support, development, and problem-solving. It seeks to be a space of inventive creativity, a team dedicated to serving others, problem-solving, limit-testing, and radically new thought processes. The goal would be…

CI Logo

Create International App…

This is one of the most useful evangelism tools I have found. If you are wanting to share Jesus with your neighbours that speak a different language, this is the App for you. They have over 100 Gospel films you can view or download to your mobile device all for free! I highly recommend it, especially if you plan to go to Unreached Peoples.  -Kosmo’s


Ashram of Light Apps

Three apps available for sharing the Gospel with Hindus:

Yeshu Bhajan (Hindi devotional Bhajans to Prabhu Yeshu). Android

Yeshu Katha (The Story of the Life of Jesus). Android

Yeshu Granth (A new translation of the New Testament in Hindi). Android

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