Together with an excellent cast and crew, we completed another Frontier Filmmaking Seminar to make one of our most ambitious films to date. We had amazing Mongolian actors who wowed us every day with their acting ability and a hardworking crew mostly from a few other Create teams.

Thank God for Ulzii, our Mongolian cultural advisor, who stepped up into a much larger role that she was expecting. An unfortunate death in her family meant she was not able to help us much until we arrived in Mongolia. Then she proceeded full-tilt to continue research, write a script, scout locations, cast and coach actors, and ultimately help me co-direct the film. What a joy it was to serve with her again after many years.

Mongolians are divided between those in the country of Mongolia and a larger number over the border in Inner Mongolia, which is under Chinese rule today. Our 45 minute movie for these Inner Mongolians tells the cross-cultural story of two young women who have arrived from China to Mongolia’s capital to study at a prestigious university. They end up learning more than they expected when they are befriended by a group of young Christians who invite them to a bible study. Through this movie, Mongolians on both sides of the border will learn that Christianity isn’t a new Western religion, but one that had a profound influence on the generations since Ghengis Khan.

You can watch a short trailer here:
and a short, silly behind-the-scenes video here:

We were having some fun after long days and nights shooting, and these are some of those outtakes featuring me lightening the mood.
Please pray for the ongoing editing of this film, “The Book,” and for distribution in 2020. We already have interest from a Christian producer that programs 25 hours per week on Mongolian TV, and hope the film is well received in Inner Mongolia as well. To God be the Glory.

Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Schedule:
Sept-Nov 2019: FFS Western India
Sept-Nov 2020: FFS Northern India
Photo Credits: Hans Widmer, Andrew van Ingen, Steven Baldwin & Bat Ulzii.