On April 2, 2020 the fourth and final Visual Media Strategy Forum (VMSF) hosted 122 participants online from 30 nations. Originally scheduled for March 28-29 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the conference was moved to an online format due to COVID-19. The VMSF is the bi-annual gathering associated with the 20/20 Vision. The 20/20 Vision is a multi-agency partnership creating indigenous Gospel media for 161 unreached people groups of 1 million or more people.
The theme of this years gathering was, “Approaching the Finish Line”. We chose this theme as this is the final year of the the 20/20 Vision campaign, and the year that we will complete this significant task. The completion of this effort means that more than 75% of all Unreached People will for the first time have an indigenous gospel presentation in their heart language clearly communicating the love of God. That is more than 2.5 Billion Unreached individuals who are now able to know and follow Jesus! Praise the Lord!

We recorded Part 1 and 2 of the VMSF 2020 online webinar and you can view these videos here: VMSF Part 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrebHARqsLQVMSF Part 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrYamheDSzM&t=2009s
The Executive Summary for the webinar can be found at: https://www.visualstory.org/2020vmsf/ This page contains hotlinks to many of the resources used and distributed during the meeting. You can also download a copy of the Powerpoint used during this two and a half hour online gathering.

Although we came together to celebrate this significant mission milestone, we were reminded that there are still 9 more people group presentations remaining to be completed before the end of this year. With the help of all of our 20/20 Vision partners we have completed 152 new indigenous gospel films and through the grace of God we will complete all remaining presentations within the next few months.

There are many roadblocks ahead of us due in large part to the affects of the Coronavirus, but God has removed every barrier that we have faced over the past ten years to bring us to where we are today. He will do it again!