Jesus said, “Let the children come to me…” In that moment the children didn’t need any coaxing, they were naturally attracted to Jesus. When they had the opportunity to see him, they were drawn to Him and He opened His arms wide to receive them. It’s a joy to share about Jesus and see children eagerly running to him.

Myra, long time Create International staff and Create Seeds team founder, recently traveled to Cambodia with her young daughter. They joined a team to host what was likely the first ever Vacation Bible School programs in 6 remote villages of Cambodia. Myra and the Create Seeds team has been hard at work producing contextual material for Khmer children and this trip was an opportunity to see the material in action and learn how to better prepare materials to equip churches and local leaders interacting with kids while sharing the Gospel. Together the team shared the Gospel to more than 650 kids, and 3 out of 4 of those kids responded to calls to know Jesus!
While trips like these can result in converts but not disciples, at the end of each VBS a local pastor closed in prayer so that kids could see the faces of who they could connect with locally. Additionally, pastors and Sunday school teachers from the region were present to provide follow up. The local pastor organizing the VBS programming is excited to see the teacher’s guide and illustrated activity Bible that Create Seeds is working on. He even asked Myra to come back and train the Sunday school teachers once the resources are completed. On top of that, the project partner is already making contacts with church leaders for people groups throughout South East Asia who want Create Seeds materials to be translated and adapted into their language groups!