

Create Mobile is dedicated to producing, as well as training others to produce, new and innovative films around the world.


Create AniMissions produces animated short films for UPGs around the world and trains artists online to do the same.


Create Seeds produces media resources to reach children amongst the unreached, including storybooks, digital books, apps, animations, and various other forms of media.



Create India has a vision is to see arts and media used to communicate the gospel of Christ to the people of India and South Asia.

Middle East

Create Middle East seeks to see every person in the Middle East & North Africa have access to the gospel through media in their heart language.


Create Cameroon’s mission is to empower and uplift the African communities they serve through education and evangelism.


Based in Southern Africa, Create Reveal is dedicated to producing media across the spectrum for UPGs around the world.


The Global Communication and Resource Centre is our international coordination and communication office for all of Create.


Create Labs seeks to be a supportive niche within our global ministry, by being a team focused on team wellness, research, development, and problem-solving


Open Arms

Open Arms looks to create global connections and promoting intercultural experiences that reflect God’s love and grace in Northern Thailand.




Whether they’re animated, live-action, or some mixture, we’ve made it before!

Art and Still Media

Everything from children’s books, to photography, to paintings, there are so many ways to share the gospel.

Mobilization and Documentaries

We’ve got a host of mobilization and resources, as well as documentaries for you to use.

Books, Apps, and Podcasts

Do you want to learn about how our ministry got started or listen to the latest stories from the field? If so, this is the place!



Narrative films, documentaries, training videos, and everything in-between!


We create animated films for all sorts of scenarios, time for you to get stuck in?

Still Media

Graphics, storybooks, comics, colouring books – they’re all awesome ways of communicating!


We’ve also got a host of additional training that doesn’t quite fit neatly into the above categories – these are usually custom-made for specific audiences or for specialized needs!


Become a Project Partner

Partner with us to create something for an unreached people group on your heart.

Join one of our teams!

There are lots of ways to join us on staff, long or short-term.

Intern or Volunteer

If you’re looking to experience what it means to be a media missionary, look no further!

Become a Prayer partner

Join us in in prayer, for the unreached and for the projects that seek to tell them about Jesus.

Create International and Visual Story Network coordinate the Visual Media Strategy Forum 2016 by Allyson B.
preview-full-DSC_0713 “You’re a good, good, Father. It’s who you are, who you are. And I’m loved by you, it’s who I am, who I am…”  The words of this song at our opening worship time struck me. The concept of our Good Father is not new to me. I know it. I live it and I count on it, even when I trespass on his goodness and need to ask for forgiveness. It was the next line that popped my eyes open as I sung. “I’m loved by you. It’s who I am.” My fundamental identity is found in this place – in being a loved child of my Heavenly Father. Not in what I do, or what I like, or what I wish and hope for.  And, I reflected, that is the case for everyone in the room. We are equal, siblings in the love of Christ and preview-full-DSC_0755 equally dependent on Him to provide what we need to accomplish the task we call the Great Commission. A good place, I think, to begin a conference focused on collaboration.
The 2016 Visual Media Strategy Forum (VMSF)met in Chiang Mai, Thailand during the second week in April. A group of more than 80 like-minded people from over 30 organizations came together, committed to collaborating in order to increase our effective evangelization through contextual media. The conference was built on the framework of the 20/20 Vision: To produce and distribute an preview-full-IMG_0569 indigenous evangelistic audio-visual tool for every one of the Least Evangelized Mega Peoples by the year 2020, so that all can clearly see and understand the gospel message and embrace it as their own. It is a good goal, a powerful initiative that is in line with God’s desire to see some from every tribe and nation saved. And it is a goal impossible to accomplish in our own strength, which made the first item of business – praying on a huge map of the world – the right place to start.
As we gathered on the map, shoes off, heads bowed, the Lord came preview-full-DSC_0709 in power to lead us. One participant noted, “the initial time of waiting on God was where He met me and spoke to me to adopt a people group. I am encouraged that we were lead directly into His presence and I feel the conference moved forward from there in great unity.” I was challenged to increase my focused prayer for several people groups and for the ongoing projects. We know that where God leads, He provides, but we need to seek Him to know where He leads. Beginning the conference with prayer on the map set that tone perfectly.
preview-full-DSC_0760 Since the launch of the 20/20 vision in 2010, there have been 91 new presentations completed or in process for groups who previously have had no indigenous gospel media in their heart language. An amazing accomplishment and more than we could have expected, probably more than we even had faith for! It is a God Thing and He is using this unprecedented unity among ministries and missions agencies to accomplish His goal for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
The work continues. At the last VMSF in 2014, Calvin reported: 38 new people groups were adopted by 55 different participants who committed to praying and partnering in order to produce the first indigenous media for these least evangelized people preview-full-DSC_0785 groups. After that meeting there were 79 remaining people groups – all adopted, but no partnerships for production. At the conclusion of this year’s VMSF, 20 new adopters from 15 different organizations partnered to produce media for 34 more least evangelized people groups. As one participant noted, “There are a lot of fantastic, talented and servant-hearted people who have dedicated themselves to make amazing, strategic stories for God’s glory! I’m very encouraged!” And we should be. God is moving. Fulfilling his Great Commission is not in doubt. The Lord’s hand is stretched out, Jim preview-full-DSC_0807 Green from Jesus Film reminded us, who can turn it back? But He is looking for partners. He has given us his Holy Spirit to accomplish this task and as we come together. As one participant from Wycliff/SIL put it, “It’s been pretty amazing. I needed the vision and encouragement and this has given me new life.
In Exodus 31, Moses talks about how God raised up people with creative gifts in artistic areas to build his tabernacle. As we come together and use our creativity to reach the lost, we are building a modern tabernacle for the glory and honor of of Lord Jesus. Amen. preview-full-VMSF2016 Where We Are

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