Documentary Films
Video People Profiles
Video People Profiles are documentary films that highlight the history, culture, and physical and spiritual needs of an unreached people group. The usual running time is 10 to 15 minutes and they are suitable for showing in church services, prayer groups, schools, and to interested friends, family, and supporters. Proven results include moblizing thousands in informed and concerted prayer, churches adopting the people group, thousands being challenged for short and long-term involvement, actual long-term missionaries going to the people groups, and financial support of the missionaries and projects.
What is a missionary? A photographer, outdoor enthusiast, midwife, university student… anyone who loves God and is willing to take His love to some of the most challenging places on earth. Hear testimonies from people working amongst the unreached or explore the historical and Biblical basis for missions. Create International has a number of videos to challenge people to become more involved in cross-cultural mission.
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