Carol and Calvin have been traveling a lot this year due to the increased excitement over the Equip2Go Seminar. Equip2Go is an intensive one week seminar that trains cross-cultural workers how to engage with Buddhists, Muslims, and Hindus. The seminar gives practical, and field tested tools for sharing the gospel with unreached peoples. During the seminar students learn how their approach to witnessing may change from culture to culture, and how to optimize
their effectiveness as they communicate the gospel with people from other worldviews.
By the end of the year we will have made 16 overseas trips and run the seminar eight times. We will have trained nearly 300 students and more than 40 trainers (all certified to run the Equip2Go). We are working ourselves out of a job, but the work isn’t finished yet! If you are interested in knowing more about this seminar and how to arrange for it to be run at your location, please go to: