

Create Mobile is dedicated to producing, as well as training others to produce, new and innovative films around the world.


Create AniMissions produces animated short films for UPGs around the world and trains artists online to do the same.


Create Seeds produces media resources to reach children amongst the unreached, including storybooks, digital books, apps, animations, and various other forms of media.



Create India has a vision is to see arts and media used to communicate the gospel of Christ to the people of India and South Asia.

Middle East

Create Middle East seeks to see every person in the Middle East & North Africa have access to the gospel through media in their heart language.


Create Cameroon’s mission is to empower and uplift the African communities they serve through education and evangelism.


Based in Southern Africa, Create Reveal is dedicated to producing media across the spectrum for UPGs around the world.


The Global Communication and Resource Centre is our international coordination and communication office for all of Create.


Create Labs seeks to be a supportive niche within our global ministry, by being a team focused on team wellness, research, development, and problem-solving


Open Arms

Open Arms looks to create global connections and promoting intercultural experiences that reflect God’s love and grace in Northern Thailand.




Whether they’re animated, live-action, or some mixture, we’ve made it before!

Art and Still Media

Everything from children’s books, to photography, to paintings, there are so many ways to share the gospel.

Mobilization and Documentaries

We’ve got a host of mobilization and resources, as well as documentaries for you to use.

Books, Apps, and Podcasts

Do you want to learn about how our ministry got started or listen to the latest stories from the field? If so, this is the place!



Narrative films, documentaries, training videos, and everything in-between!


We create animated films for all sorts of scenarios, time for you to get stuck in?

Still Media

Graphics, storybooks, comics, colouring books – they’re all awesome ways of communicating!


We’ve also got a host of additional training that doesn’t quite fit neatly into the above categories – these are usually custom-made for specific audiences or for specialized needs!


Become a Project Partner

Partner with us to create something for an unreached people group on your heart.

Join one of our teams!

There are lots of ways to join us on staff, long or short-term.

Intern or Volunteer

If you’re looking to experience what it means to be a media missionary, look no further!

Become a Prayer partner

Join us in in prayer, for the unreached and for the projects that seek to tell them about Jesus.

Face to Face in Cyberspace!

Millions seek for meaning, purpose and identity each day. Googling, Blogging, Face timing, zooming, the world seeks to connect. Will they find what they are looking for? Or will it be like the Bono of U2 as he sings: “But I still haven’t found what I am looking for?”
The growth of the Internet and digital technologies have made it possible to reach a vast number of unreached peoples. Whether over the Internet using YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter or through Wifi, bluetooth, Apps and SD card distribution, the work of spreading the Good News to those who have never heard is becoming easier and cheaper. 
Nearly 5 million  people are on the internet with over 3.8 million people active social media users. Facebook 2.19 billion, Instagram 1 billion, Twitter 336 million. During the last reported quarter, the company stated that almost 3 billion people were using at least one of the company’s core products (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger) each month.

The numbers are staggering and fraught with possibilities for evangelism, but we can’t only use the English language if we want to reach all peoples. 

Out of the world’s approximately 7.7 billion inhabitants, about 2 billion speak English — that’s about 22% of the Earth’s population. However, most of those people aren’t native English speakers. About 360 million people speak English as their first language. reference:

Many times it is not the gospel message that our audience reject, rather it is the way the message has been “packaged.” Therefore, as evangelists and media communicators we must present the Good News in a way that a particular people group can hear with understanding, and then pass on with accuracy. Until we learn to share Christ in the same way as local people do other important information, we will have little lasting impact on their community. This is as true for media as it is with personal witness.

Various ministries including YWAM are responding and creating meaningful on line digital resource sites.

Since 1997, Create International has promoted internet evangelism through some of the first web evangelism seminars, evangelistic websites and sites for free film downloads. Our ministry gleaned from web evangelism pioneers like Tony Whitaker, author of Web Evangelism Guide and Internet evangelism day,  Global Media Outreach, Cru, CBN and other active internet ministries.

You Tube Downloads: Over the years, millions have received a culturally relevant gospel witness. Over 40,000 visits per month and tens of thousands of downloads. Over six hundred gospel films and 1300 Audio Bibles are free to download on Our films share a tailer made gospel presentation in over 300 languages with over 40,000 views per month.

Become a walking evangelistic studio by downloading our free App. Over 800 films are available on the Create International App. Follow this link to download the version best for your devise:

Indigenous partners are also putting our films on their own YOUTUBE sites and seeing dramatic viewerships such as among the Banjara of India. Here is one of our lead actors who is also a Banjara church planter. 

Evangelistic websites Actual testimonies from some of our webistes include: The conservative Iranian Muslim house wife alone in her home searching for halal recipes and coming to our evangelistic website where she also discovers new revelations and truth from the Prophet Isa al Masih. She secretly contacts us hungry to find out more. We are able to send her a Bible and more insights on line. Later we have someone contact her to arrange for a coffee shop meeting. 

Or the Hindu looking for the sacred light and coming to our Ashram of Light website where he can download his style of music in bhajans, Hindi poetry and finds out about following Jesus known as Sadguru Yesus. 

Or the Buddhist fearful of evil spirits and longing for true peace finds answers through indigenous music videos and animation in their Thai styles on our facebook sites and evangelistic Lotus of Life website. Workers proficient in Thai are following up inquires on these sites. 

“Thanks to online tools, the body of Christ has the ability to plant churches in every unreached people group with less expenditure of resources than ever. This is one of the greatest moments in the history of the church for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.” 


In our prayer time this month, let’s pray for continued online evangelism so that ALL peoples will hear and understand the gospel message in their own heart language.

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