As we prepare our hearts once again to celebrate the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, we remember that He came into the world as an innocent and vulnerable baby. The Creator came into His creation — Emmanuel, God with us. The baby Jesus was a gift to the world, an incredible demonstration of God’s love for all of His children. For those of us who have had the privilege of hearing and understanding the gospel, we know that King and God and Sacrifice were all present in that manger. We know, like the Magi in the carol, the story will continue until we “Glorious now behold Him arise!” But what about those who have never heard the incredible story of the baby king, born to guide us to God’s perfect light? How will they know unless someone tells them in a way they can understand?

Create International SEEDS, the newest Create ministry, focuses on the youngest of the unreached. The first in a series of children’s books sharing the gospel with the Khmer of Cambodia has been completed. Outreach teams are already sharing the story of our risen King, God, and Sacrifice with Cambodian families this Christmas season. In April, the 20/20 Vision Team and our partners celebrated the completion of 111 new gospel films for people groups who have no other indigenous gospel media. By October, that number rose to 123. With only weeks left to the year, we are poised to add 13 more to that list before turning the page to 2019. That leaves only 29 more projects to fulfill the 20/20 vision. All the glory goes to God for reaching this amazing milestone!

Just as the Magi traversed far and long to reach their goal of meeting the newborn King, we also need to persevere to the end. We began the journey of the 20/20 Vision eight years ago, and it would be easy to slow down or become distracted. But when we look at the miracles God has done to bring us this far, we are convinced that we cannot give up. Please pray for the 20/20 Vision partnership as we do our best to be faithful to the vision on God’s heart: that all people would have a clear presentation of the gospel. Jesus came as God’s gift to us. The Magi responded with gifts of their own. Let us offer our gift to our King this Christmas: a life surrendered to His will and a passion to share the hope He brought with all Mankind.