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The 11.3 million Kanauji (also known as the Western Hindi) are located mainly in the state of Uttar Pradesh. They speak an Indo-Aryan language called Braj Kanauji. Little is known about their specific lifestyle and culture. The Kanauji are 99.5% Hindu and follow the basic Hindu customs and traditions.
In marriage they are strictly monogamous. Divorce is not allowed but widowers can marry again. The sons inherit the property while the oldest son is in charge of the home on the death of the father. There are marriage rituals and the dead are cremated. There is a death pollution period. They work in cultivation and other paid work. Higher education is desired for their children and they do family planning. On inheritance, property is shared equally among sons and daughters with the oldest son becoming in charge of the home. In the villages they are priests or work in agriculture.
The 11.3 million Kannauji people will not receive the gospel message unless we go to them and produce an indigenous evangelistic film with and for their people. A film which clearly shares the message of Christ’s love and salvation for them. We have produced hundreds of such indigenous videos for the unreached peoples of the world, and we need your help to bring the gospel to this precious people in their heart language and adapted to their culture. So that all can clearly hear and see the gospel and embrace it as their own.
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- Portrait of a young girl in traditional dress holding an image of the Goddess Gauri, also known as Parvathi, during the Mewar Spring Festival, at Gangaur Ghat next to Lake Pichola.
Kannauji language.pdf[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]