Are the people who are most receptive to the Gospel within the unreached world being overlooked?
Bryan Myers’ research claims that “85% of those who become Christians do so between the ages of 4 and 14.” This makes children the most receptive group in the world.

Responding to the call, a new team within Create International, Create Seeds, was formed to focus on reaching unreached children.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”
Create Seeds takes Jesus’ words literally, but the question is how do we do it?
One thing that every kid has in common: a love of pictures!
Pictures can speak 1,000 words across language barriers.

Many of us were impacted by books when we were young. In the West, we have a wealth of beautiful Christian children’s resources while much of the world remains impoverished. We believe unreached children need books and audio visual resources in their own cultural styles, with characters that look like them and use language they can understand. These resources need to speak to them where they are at, from their perspective, to be culturally relevant and communicate the truth in a powerful way. Our mission as a team is to see this need met by producing such resources with a high standard of excellence in storytelling and visual arts.

In partnership with frontier workers in the unreached world, we create resources such as: children story books, Gospel-based story colouring books, Bible curriculum, animated story books and interactive apps. We’re also developing our very first online course called, “Create Children’s Books for Missions.”
As an example, two years ago we partnered with a mission organization focusing their efforts on the most populated unreached country in the world. They shared with us how our resources have helped their discipleship effort.

“There are two Miao sisters whose parents died and they lived with their grandparents. Previously, when we went to visit them, they would not talk to us nor wanted to go near us. But when we told the story in the book, whose story is similar to theirs, they started opening their hearts, talk with us and pray with us. Now they are being regularly discipled and I can see hope in their eyes now. “
“And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” Mark 10:16. Our prayer is that we may bring more children into the arms of Jesus through the works of our hands.
If you’d like to know more about us or would like to partner with us, contact: