Our Create International teams love to receive feedback from the fruit of their labors. Recently, we have been sending out feedback requests to our former project partners- these are workers on the front lines who are our bridge to the people group we want to serve. We work closely with them to ensure effective communication of the gospel message to their people group.
The Naxi project partner for “Life After the Earthquake” writes: “Your animated film is the clearest and most local presentation of the Gospel of any resource we have had. The important elements include the language, the cultural aspects, the contextualization of the flood story, earthquake story and the four ladies who represent different groups of people in our area. Exposure to contextualized Christian Naxi resources is slowly yet steadily opening the eyes of many Naxi people. This animation, along with some Naxi worship music has really helped them to see that being a Christian doesn’t mean they need to completely abandon their own culture. People say that it is a moving and a clear presentation of the Gospel, we have never heard any negative feedback. Many say that they listen to the recordings and watch the films even on a weekly basis. Since the production in 2016, the film has been uploaded and viewed many hundreds of times.”
- Please pray for the distribution and follow up efforts of our Naxi friends.
- Please also pray for more awesome partnerships and feedback!