Discipleship tools are being created to help new believers in unreached people groups understand how they could start contextual home fellowships that are both “Faithful to Scripture and Relevant to their Culture”.
The response to these videos has been dramatic. The local actors, themselves believers from a Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist background, have used these films also as very effective evangelism tools. This has been confirmed by testimony after testimony of people who have given their lives to the Lord after viewing these presentations. We are hearing many testimonies like this, “A new believer was viewing the contextual worship video with his wife who was not yet a believer. After the presentation, his wife exclaimed, “If that is what you have been talking about, then yes, I am interested. I could worship Jesus like that!”. All of these films can be viewed and downloaded for free here.
Ten years ago Create International produced a Contextual Home Fellowship film for Urdu Muslim Background Believers in Jesus. A few years after the film was completed and distributed, Paul Eshleman, the founder of Jesus Film gave us some incredible feedback regarding the film. While he was attending a younger leaders meeting in Northern India he met several Urdu speaking church planters using our film to start contextual fellowships among Muslim converts. They had more than 3,000 baptized believers and 7,000 waiting for baptismand all of them were using our film to know how to do it. He also told us that the first Contextual Home Fellowship film we made for Indonesians had been used to start 80 new house churches all among Muslim background believers in Jesus!

Paul Eshleman shares the news about how Create Internationals first Contextual Fellowship Film has led to the creation of more than 80 new churches in Indonesia among previously Muslim peoples.
While attending meetings in Malta recently we had the amazing privilege to catch-up with two brothers each who played significant roles in two different contextual fellowship films we produced. Both of these men gave us permission to share their incredible stories, but we have not given personal details to protect their security.
The brother in the first two photos is now a leader among Urdu speaking Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) in India. You can listen to part 1 of the testimony of another MBB brother from South Asia who is raising up MBBs as missionaries to the Unreached! Here is Part 2 of the interview.
The second brother is from North Africa. He is now a trainer of church planters and a Christian Media Producer. He told us that he has trained more than three hundred church planters to work among Muslims, and he has been using our film to illustrate the method to all of them. You can listen to our interview of him on God Network News where he tells the story of the making of this film and its impact on Muslims in his country.
were so encouraged by these brothers and their testimonies of the
incredible fruit that has come through these contextual media tools.
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Cor. 3:6