Reach Hundreds for $20!
After a recent Facebook targeted $20 ad-campaign, statistics show that within just one week, there were 210 ‘Facebook Likes’ among the 464 people who viewed our Farsi film in the Farsi speaking world! (This equates to about nine cents to reach one person with the Gospel message.) One of them was this lovely lady here called Hamia, a university student in Afghanistan, who ‘Liked’ our Facebook page! The film is reaching both into the heartland of the peoples, as well as their diaspora. Would you like reach hundreds more?
The power of social media has yet to be harnessed for the Gospel, especially for peoples with limited access. Some of the highest audio bible download volumes come from Saudi Arabia! Let’s use the means God has given us to steward His message, to share with the peoples who have never heard or seen even once.
Designate a donation of $20 or more to “CREATE EV Social Media.” Receive reports of your engagement with unreached peoples, as well as a complementary download of the evangelistic film being used to reach your people group! We will select an audience to engage, based on largest language blocs* covered by our Gospel films! *Peoples of Iran, India, China, Indonesia, Turkey, and Myanmar (Burma)