

Create Mobile is dedicated to producing, as well as training others to produce, new and innovative films around the world.


Create AniMissions produces animated short films for UPGs around the world and trains artists online to do the same.


Create Seeds produces media resources to reach children amongst the unreached, including storybooks, digital books, apps, animations, and various other forms of media.



Create India has a vision is to see arts and media used to communicate the gospel of Christ to the people of India and South Asia.

Middle East

Create Middle East seeks to see every person in the Middle East & North Africa have access to the gospel through media in their heart language.


Create Cameroon’s mission is to empower and uplift the African communities they serve through education and evangelism.


Based in Southern Africa, Create Reveal is dedicated to producing media across the spectrum for UPGs around the world.


The Global Communication and Resource Centre is our international coordination and communication office for all of Create.


Create Labs seeks to be a supportive niche within our global ministry, by being a team focused on team wellness, research, development, and problem-solving


Open Arms

Open Arms looks to create global connections and promoting intercultural experiences that reflect God’s love and grace in Northern Thailand.




Whether they’re animated, live-action, or some mixture, we’ve made it before!

Art and Still Media

Everything from children’s books, to photography, to paintings, there are so many ways to share the gospel.

Mobilization and Documentaries

We’ve got a host of mobilization and resources, as well as documentaries for you to use.

Books, Apps, and Podcasts

Do you want to learn about how our ministry got started or listen to the latest stories from the field? If so, this is the place!



Narrative films, documentaries, training videos, and everything in-between!


We create animated films for all sorts of scenarios, time for you to get stuck in?

Still Media

Graphics, storybooks, comics, colouring books – they’re all awesome ways of communicating!


We’ve also got a host of additional training that doesn’t quite fit neatly into the above categories – these are usually custom-made for specific audiences or for specialized needs!


Become a Project Partner

Partner with us to create something for an unreached people group on your heart.

Join one of our teams!

There are lots of ways to join us on staff, long or short-term.

Intern or Volunteer

If you’re looking to experience what it means to be a media missionary, look no further!

Become a Prayer partner

Join us in in prayer, for the unreached and for the projects that seek to tell them about Jesus.

Reaching People for Christ Via Film

Bob Waliszewski

“Among all varieties of evangelism, film makes one of the deepest impressions, even more than hearing a proclaimed message, reading words of Scripture or listening to a friend’s witness.”— Atlas of Global Christianity, 2010

In 1987 I went on a mission trip to Guatemala where I met the wildest four missionaries you’d ever want to meet. These guys didn’t preach in cathedrals with stained glass, but rather hop on their motorcycles and take off to various parts of the Guatemalan backcountry where even today many still live without motorized vehicles, cell phones, running water and gasp!—regular updates on Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. One of their primary methods of evangelism was showing the Jesus film. For electricity, one of the guys would strap a generator to his dirt bike while another would bring a fold-out screen. People in remote parts of this Central America country would turn out in large numbers to watch the film. Untold thousands of missionaries in other parts of the world have done similarly and the strategy has proven highly effective. For spreading the Good News, I love the power of film!

When I speak publicly on media discernment, I often cite the Jesus film as an example of why I’m not anti-entertainment. I make sure my audience knows that Campus Crusade for Christ, the group behind this film, estimates that a whopping 225 million people have made decisions to follow Christ after viewing it. I’ll then often go on to say how films such as Fireproof, To Save a Life, End of the Spear, Not Today, Grace Unplugged and even The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe can point people to Christ and encourage other aspects of the Christian walk. How could I be against a delivery system that’s done so much to build the Kingdom?

Well, recently I discovered yet one more reason to be a huge fan of the medium of motion pictures: It’s called Create International, and it’s an offshoot of Youth With a Mission. As I perused CI’s site, I found a video link that told me a little more about the ministry and began watching. I was completely taken back when one of the individuals interviewed was Rev. Daniel Kikawa. I’ve known Pastor Daniel for years and have even spoken at his church in Hilo, Hawaii. Like me, Pastor Daniel is not part of Create International. He just believes in what they do.

So, here’s why I quickly became a fan of CI: In a nutshell, the group uses film to share the gospel, but with a twist. Rather than use subtitles (as most video-using missionary organizations do), they film actors from unreached people groups who, in their own language, creatively share Christ. I guess it’s a no-brainer, but I hadn’t really thought much about the power of using non-subtitled film to reach people for Christ. To date, 61 indigenous people groups such as the Aceh, Bamar, Hui, Isaan, Awadhi and Balinese now have a gospel film in their own language (don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of these; I hadn’t either). I randomly chose an indigenous group and watched a film geared toward them. Sure, I didn’t understand a word, but I got excited nonetheless. You can find out more info on what they do here, and here’s a sample of some of their work.

My next step was to talk with the Cal and Carol, the couple that launched this initiative. That happened recently by Skype. I asked them how they got involved in this media outreach.

“My wife was Miss Media Person and I had a background in cross cultural ministries,” explained Cal, underscoring the sum of their experiences and expertise paved the way. It was a blessing to talk to them because I realized that their brainchild is making a huge difference among peoples most of us will never even hear about, much less meet.

The Bible makes it clear that the harvest field is ready for harvesting. The problem is not a lack of people ready to respond, but a lack of workers willing to share. Jesus asked us to pray for more harvesters. I see Cal and Carol as harvesters, using the sickle of film making. They’ve seen great results. Would you join me in praying for them and their ministry Create International? Seriously, would you? If so, pray, too, that the Lord would send additional people into unreached people groups with laptops and cell phones to share a movie with these potential brothers and sisters in Christ.

Originally posted by Plugged In, Focus on the Family

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