“The Lame Will Walk”, is the third of three episodes that tell the story of Jonathan’s amazing ministry among the unreached tribal peoples of Africa. Reaching out to the unloved, diseased and crippled like Jesus would, is the strategy that this incredible man is practicing everyday on this isolated island.
One day, Johathan was walking by a lady who was sitting under a tree, and she had a disease called elephantiasis. The disease affects the lymph nodes and causes the person’s limbs to swell. The lady’s legs were so swollen that she could hardly lift them and they had become deformed. Besides that, she had wounds that were infected and had a bad smell to them. As a result, her family sat at a distance and wouldn’t come close to her. The disease is easily treatable, but her family was not able to take her to the hospital. Jonathan approached her and began asking her questions, and offered to clean her wounds and get some medication for her. She was very recluse and didn’t say much, but allowed him to help. After treating her for a couple of months, he took her to get checked at the hospital, and they confirmed that the disease was gone. A little while later, the wounds had also healed. Unfortunately, the disease had left her legs permanently deformed, but she was able to walk. She didn’t have anything on her feet, so Jonathan spoke to a local cobbler who made some custom sandals for her feet. She was so excited and thankful, she was smiling and talking openly again.

Then she asked Jonathan why he was doing all of this for her. Why a stranger would help her when her own family wouldn’t even come close to her. He then was able to share that it was because Jesus lives in him and he loves her very much. He also shared stories about Jesus from the Scriptures. She responded with a big smile on her face, “I want him, I want him!” So Jonathan prayed with her and she accepted Christ. She then wanted to be baptized, so the following day some other believers brought some water and they baptized her.

Shortly after that, her mother wanted to receive Christ as well. She was so touched that a stranger showed more love to her daughter than she did. She repented of the way she had treated her daughter, and wanted to have that same love in her heart. From there, the two of them began sharing with their neighbours and now a church has started in their home.
Isn’t it amazing how God knows exactly what each of us needs! In this case, it wasn’t an instant healing, but rather an expression of his love in the situation. The physical healing took place over time, but it was the emotional and relational healing that she needed to experience.
To listen to the full episode (#140), go to: https://godnews.podomatic.com/