The film, entitled “Rain,” is aptly named. The area of Bundlekhand is typically very dry. While we were preparing for filming, there had been no rain for so long that the people had to walk many miles to collect their drinking water. Our script ends with a rainy scene, and we had to carry water ourselves to create the scene. Since our time in Bundlekhand, the drought has lifted and the rain falls regularly.

In 2016, the Create International Mobile Production and Training Team partnered with my production team, Joel Productions, and the Zion Bishan Presbyterian Church in Singapore to create a gospel presentation for the Bundelkhandi people. The film has been completed and my team and I were privileged to show the movie in a commissioning service.

Our team was overwhelmed by the crowd of over 1200 people who gathered to watch and commission the release of the film. Several non-believers in the audience responded to the gospel message. The pastors and local leaders were all completely satisfied with the final product.

There are plans in place to distribute the movie in twelve districts of India, which covers a population of over ten million people. is also getting many downloads of the film in the local language.

Calvin and Carol were also able to personally thank the Church in Singapore who gave toward this production and continue to receive their prayer support.
Please pray that the fifteen million Bundlekhandi people continue to experience the showers of blessings and continual living waters from Jesus.