- Faith. It is necessary for you to be challenged beyond your capacity. It is necessary to take risks and have times of testing for that faith to become part of your project. The Lord is allowing the tests so that the work you are doing will be validated by faith that endures. You think it’s just been hard, but really you are being equipped by a work of the Spirit.
- Hope. Hope for the nations, having your heart broken by the things that break the Lord’s. Having the hope of your life transferred away from yourself to a place where you are hoping for the people group to be reached. The Lord is adding the DNA of a spiritual work.
Charity. Love. Doing what you do because of love for the people. You will be challenged to break away from your comfort zone. You will have to forgive, put up with things that you are not comfortable with. You are entering into a critical aspect of that which is born of the Spirit. “Greater love has no man but this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) Be patient, loving, and kind over and over again until you get to the end of yourself.
The Lord weaves this all together to produce something that is not born of flesh but born of the Holy Spirit for people to hear the words of life for the first time!. God bless your ministry!
Watch his video here: https://youtu.be/ymaTDg5DMzY