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Make a donation to…

  • Create International (International Coordinators’ Office)
  • A Create International Centre/Team (Indicate centre: India, Thailand, Australia, Taiwan or Create-Emerge)
  • An Individual Staff Member (Indicate which staff member)
  • A specific project or piece of equipment (please contact us for more details, via the form below)

If you have any questions, or don’t know how PayPal works, please feel free to contact us at any time via our secure contact form.

Partner with us so that every people group would have the opportunity to embrace the Gospel as their own…

Project 1. Unreached People Production Costs
Create International has produced over 70 cross-cultural media production packages for the world’s least reached peoples. The goal is to complete another 140 unreached people productions, in partnership with other mission agencies and churches, by the Year 2020. The task is possible, and we need your help to accelerate the work. Packages include:

  • Evangelistic Film (in several languages/dialects and adapted to the culture of these peoples)
  • Prayer and Mobilization Film (to inspire the Body of Christ to give, go and pray for these people)
  • Contextual Gathering/Home Church Training Film

Project 2. Arts and Media for Missions Training Development
With an abundance of passion and vision, God has challenged us to emphasize raising up arts and media missionaries from the “Emerging Mission Force” of Asia. This requires affordable housing and equipment to impart skills to communicate with excellence.

Project 3. Development and Translation of Our Evangelistic Websites
Our evangelistic websites for Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims receive thousands of visits per moth. Our Muslim evangelistic website is now in English, Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, and soon for Thai Muslims. Our goal is to have it translated into at more major Muslim languages, so we can be prepared to meet them online with the gospel and follow-up with them appropriately.

Project 4. God’s Way Evangelistic Viral Video Language Versions
An animated fine art evangelistic video series in an Arabic language has been making an impact in the Middle East among church-planting efforts. Our goal is to get this effective series into all least reached languages across N.Africa, Middle East and the Gulf (Arabian Peninsula).

Project 5. 20/20 Vision Fund (Training and Productions)
Our goal is to get at least 10-20 other mission agencies, churches and media producers to take on remaining training and production initiatives for remaining Least Evangelized Mega People Groups. Representatives of the “Global South” and national believers and film producers are requesting our specialized training to enable them to help with this goal.

Project 6. Distribution of 10,000 Copies of 15 Key Evangelistic Films
With regional contacts already lined up, we are able to undertake a coordinated distribution effort to 10,000 households. In just one example, the Turkish Muslims we have already seen over 20,000 copies of our evangelistic and church planting videos distributed. We want to duplicate this effort in other people groups for which we have produced resources.

Project 7. Scholarship Fund and Expansion of Training Facilities
We are developing a scholarship fund, and expanding training and production* facilities for students from developing nations who want to equip themselves for effective ministry towards unreached people groups. *All of our training is hands-on and includes an internship with Create production teams.

“Create International has become a forerunner spreading across the globe, birthing new strategies that are multiplying and bringing salvation to the peoples of the earth. I am so excited about this.” –John Dawson, Youth With A Mission

“The biggest need today is for evangelism tools that are done with people from their own language groups. The Jesus Film has been translated into lots of these languages, but those are people from another culture. We’ve got to be more relevant, and contextual with the people of these various groups. The scripture says to disciple all nations – and Create International is doing just that! I’m grateful for the partnership with them. I think every mission leader ought to investigate this ministry, and put some good prayer and finances behind it.” –Paul Eshleman, Founder of The Jesus Film Project

“Thank you for allowing us to serve with you in this very innovative Kingdom Building initiative. We look forward to a continuing and growing relationship and partnership.”
–Terry Douglass, ProVision Foundation

To enquire further with a lead project coordinator about giving financially towards these priority projects:

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