Media that Sparked a Movement

Thailand. Over 1,000 workers, of which 400 were from a Muslim background gathered to “Abide in Christ” and learn together what is meant to “Bear Fruit”. (Conference themes from John 15). Our Create GCRC team regularly resources these events distributing free gospel films, mobile media players and sharing tools to help workers from North Africa,…


Silk Road Secrets

The ancient silk road, famed for the transportation of exotic spices, silks, and other valuables in the ages past, winds its way through Central Asia, including  Tashkent, Samakand and Bukhara, all cities in the beautiful nation of Uzbekistan. In this past year the Uzbek Bible has been published. Riding on the back of the completion…


Partnerships in Action

The goal of our 20/20 Vision is to see an indigenous audio-visual Gospel presentation in the language and culture of the remaining unreached mega-people groups by the year 2020. With many of these groups being Muslims in hard-to-reach countries, we looked at partnering with other ministries to accomplish this goal. A group of talented animators…
