Out of all worldwide evangelism, only 2% goes to Muslims, 0.9% goes to Hindus, and 0.7% goes to Buddhists, yet 84% goes to Christians. This is why nearly 1/3 of the world remains unreached. Are you ready and equipped to go to the areas of the greatest need?

“All of our 25,000 DTS outreach teams that we send out each year need further cross-cultural equipping. Please help us to see this breakthrough happen.” –Patti Lee, Asst. Director, International DTS Centre for YWAM

Equip2GoSeminar005  YWAM alone sends over 25,000 short-term outreach teams to all parts of the globe. This does not even account for all that the rest of the Body of Christ is sending out. With the volume of labor and potential to reach unreached peoples today, we must maximize this opportunity by equipping short-term teams to be effective in their cross-cultural evangelism and relationship building. Decades of frontier missionary work have established best practices and fruitful methods that have resulted in hearts turning to God, Christ-followers, and disciples of unreached nations…

The Equip2Go Seminar brings forth these best practices and fruit methods in a seminar format, tailored to your proposed training duration — whether for a DTS missions or outreach prep week, or local church team meetings conducted over a weekend.

Equip2GoSeminar006Equip2Go combines both awareness of the unfinished task in missions today, with proven ways of approaching cross-cultural evangelism using culturally appropriate relationship-building, media, arts, and cutting-edge digital technologies. There is a paradigm shift that needs to occur from our Western thinking and approaches when we go to people of cultures, languages and worldviews different than our own!

Jesus said to GO! And make disciples of all nations. But he left us with the job of figuring out HOW, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Calling forth a spirit of power, love, and sound judgment, let’s apply the mind of Christ in this “mobile generation” — to see breakthroughs in places that have not seen breakthrough, and an indigenous church-planting movement sprung forth by the people, because the God who created their people AND culture has been introduced to them, by you.

Learn to communicate in an effective way using:

  • Language that is more culturally relevant
  • Tools to build bridges
  • Door openers that make hearts peel back

Learn how to harness media in a simple but powerful way using:

  • Presentations that have been made with and for, and by the people
  • Audio and visual resources that share Bible stories in the context of the culture
  • Digital technology and mobile devices you probably already own.

Equip2GoSeminar007“When you see something in another language, get it, and understand it, because it is done by their people, in their language toward them. Then it makes your job relatively easy.” –Danny Lehmann, International Coordinator for Evangelism, YWAM

“One of the things that I’ve found is that when teams equip themselves with audio-visual tools, they put themselves in the position to maximize their effectiveness where God is calling them to. Take advantage of the many resources that are out there. Be prepared, equip your teams as they head out into the mission field.” –Caleb, YWAM SE Asia Field Leader

The message of Christ is the sacred thing, not the way we think or process or communicate. What is in the culture is the gift that God gave to the people.

“What we’ve discovered in 8 years of sharing Jesus with the Hindu peoples, is that they love Jesus, they’re very open to Jesus, but expectation to leave behind their Indian culture and to adopt a Western culture has caused them to be very resistant to the Gospel… What needs to be done differently, what changes can be made, not to the Gospel itself, but how we present the Gospel that will allow this group of people to receive it into their hearts.” –Kevin, Worker Among Hindus

“Your thinking is not sacred, but our message is. So make sure you understand that the message of Christ is the sacred thing, not the way we think or process or communicate. And can Jesus make himself real to someone who is totally different than you – in the way they think, they way they act? The answer is always ‘YES.'” –Ben J., Worker Among Buddhists

“We need to meet people where they are at and communicate to them as they would with each other.” –Sameh H., Middle East Advocate

“If we’re saying God is love and He loves you, and we’re to be representatives of His love, then we really need to accept and look at what is in the culture because that is the gift that God gave to the people… we need to try to understand the people better, and their thinking, and their needs. It is necessary for the people to be able to come to AND stay with God generation after generation — always, culture-specific evangelism was involved.” –Daniel Kikawa, President, Aloha Ke Akua Ministries – Producer of God’s Fingerprints in Japan

“What are the strategic ways that we can get the Gospel to those who have never heard? The methods have to be dynamic, the methods have to change… We have to use cutting-edge methods to communicate the message that God has given to us.” –Dr. Ferdinand Nweke, Eternity Ministries, Nigeria

GO to where Christ is not named. Share about him in ways that they can relate to and understand. And Maximize your Outreaches!

“I want to ask you to speak on every DTS!” –Loren Cunningham, Founder, Youth With a Mission

Go to Equip2Go.org or email equip2goteam@gmail.com for more info on upcoming seminar training, outreach opportunities, case studies and exciting testimonies!
