
Mission Create International is a communication ministry of Youth With A Mission which seeks to “Declare God’s glory in all the world” through producing and distributing indigenous media resources, to initiate and strengthen evangelistic and church planting efforts among the remaining Least Evangelized Mega Peoples of the world. Goals PRODUCE an indigenous evangelistic audio-visual tool for…

The Vision

Vision The Beginning Pioneering this ministry has been a continual step of faith and obedience to the Word of the Lord: from our humble beginnings in the 80’s, just doing the possible with a couple of staff creating slide projector shows, until today, where we have staff from many nations working on a myriad of…

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Resources Download our Gospel Films for Free Are you preparing to send out a team to do evangelism and church planting among a people group which is not your own? Perhaps you have one translator for your whole team, but lack the ability to directly engage with the people you are trying to reach. We…


Training We want to help you develop your media and art skills for missions! In an age where films, animation, art & photography are loved and so popular, why not use it to shine God’s glory. Encounter God, be ‘ruined for the ordinary,’ and fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples among…