Look Up and Reach Out

by Calvin C. Every year we take time to seek the Lord for a special Word for the ministry of Create International. This year we felt the Lord leading us to spend a whole day seeking him at a Jesuit Retreat Center here in Chiang Mai. Carol and I went to different locations reading the…

Growing Fruitfulness

The Lord of the Harvest is raising up laborers from His harvest on every continent to reap the remaining harvest among least reached people groups. This is an epic moment in church history! We are witnessing an unprecedented season of harvest among the unreached with movements of multiplying fellowships well beyond the 4th and 5th…

The Miracle of Movements

by Justin Long (edited) “Since the mid-1990s, we have witnessed the remarkable and explosive growth of disciple-making movements globally, with much of that growth happening in the past 10 years. From a very small handful of known movements in 1995, the number has grown to over 1,850 movements globally, encompassing over 99.9 million believers in…

Making Movies with God

Making movies with God is amazing, because He answers our prayers for our productions. I firmly believe that God the Father loves to make movies about His Son Jesus and helps us to overcome every obstacle to make these films which are written and recorded in the local language and cultural context. Oral cultures tend…